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sleepyshibe: 1 sqft of bun

beardedboggan: All that is missing is a Z snap of fabulous...

thedailyguineapig: Just a couple of guinea pigs named Bocephus...

humorous-blog: Once upon a midnight DEAL WITH IT. I...



Once upon a midnight DEAL WITH IT.

I give a fuck, nevermore.

merely a bro, nothing more.

#suddenly there came a swagging as of someone gangsta rapping #rapping at my chamber door

Quoth the raven, “Swag galore”


#edgar allan bro

deathbyjets: notahyper-specific: hextraordinary: So I feel...

humansofnewyork: "A squirrel saw me eating some nuts and now...

"But then BANG ZAP! We were off again because Thief [The Doctor] had a wedding to dance at. And..."

“But then BANG ZAP! We were off again because Thief [The Doctor] had a wedding to dance at. And dancing faster was River Song.

I could smell what she was - she came from me.

Once I taught her how to fly. And once I let her die.
Once she loved me. Once she shot me.

I could see that all at the same time. I liked her, mothered her.
One day I would like to teach her to wheeze-groan without me. But the Doctor danced and River danced, and the more they danced the more trouble grew around them.

Something wanted Thief because they hated Thief. They stole River’s mother, they stole River - they made it all so tangled.

Thief and River were looped around each other like wool. He had a scarf once. Long scarf. It smelled of lavender and aluminium. I liked that scarf. It looked good in loops. And sometimes good stories are in loops.


- The TARDIS; The Doctor: His Life and TimesBBC Books (via riveralwaysknew)

No but guys you don’t understand, she wanted to one day teach River to time travel without her. As if she were really her child - a baby TARDIS. 

(via riveralwaysknew)

^That commentary! To wheeze-groan without her!^

(via mewiet)

I can’t. The imagery… and that she believed River could really do it.

I just can’t.

(via kerjenfanfic)

messthatisjess: my brother posted this on my facespace wall. i...

gradientlair: "Death is something inevitable. When a man has...



"Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity." - Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela; Madiba; Tata. July 18, 1918 - December 5, 2013

corgiaddict: corgisbeggingforstuff: Io the Begging Corgi...

bbcamerica: New images from Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor...





"It helps no one, least of all fat people, to enforce weight stigma. It’s about time we admitted that..."

“It helps no one, least of all fat people, to enforce weight stigma. It’s about time we admitted that fat-shaming isn’t the same as encouraging health, cruelty doesn’t help people to become thinner, and thinness isn’t always the best course for all fat people.”

- read more: skepchick.org (via lifeasa-fatgirl)

"I got a fan letter from a young lady. It was a suicide...


"I got a fan letter from a young lady. It was a suicide note.

So I called her, and I said, "Hey, this is Jimmy Doohan. Scotty, from Star Trek." I said, "I’m doing a convention in Indianapolis. I wanna see you there."

I saw her — boy, I’m telling you, I couldn’t believe what I saw. It was definitely suicide. Somebody had to help her, somehow. And obviously she wasn’t going to the right people.

I said to her, "I’m doing a convention two weeks from now in St. Louis." And two weeks from then, in somewhere else, you know? She also came to New York - she was able to afford to got to these places. That went on for two or three years, maybe eighteen times. And all I did was talk positive things to her.

And then all of the sudden — nothing. I didn’t hear anything. I had no idea what had happened to her because I never really saved her address.

Eight years later, I get a letter saying, "I do want to thank you so much for what you did for me, because I just got my Master’s degree in electronic engineering.”

That’s…to me, the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.”

(TW: rape)

contratiemposdecolores: staceythinx: Micrographs by Josefine...


sporangia of a fern

pine (pollen)

stem, possibly Equisetum

another sporangium? (Vascular plant)



sporangia in Laminaria (aka kelp), a brown alga)


antheridia (sperm-producing structures) of a moss or fern?

close-up of Laminaria, aka kelp



Micrographs by Josefine Stenddy 

Me gustan mucho las plantas :3

danyspike: everybodyreadingbooks: lumos5000: In which David...

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