Claire Danes’ dress. no.
Stupid award show fasion post
"10 BETTER BODY AFFIRMATIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN 1. Your body is in flux for the rest of your life...."
1. Your body is in flux for the rest of your life. Think of your body as fluid instead of static — it’s always going to change. So get comfortable with those changes.
2. No one will love you or not love you because of your body. You are lovable because you’re you, not because your body looks a certain way.
3. The most intensely personal relationship you’ll ever have is with your body. It’s a lifelong relationship that’s well worth investing in and nurturing the same way you would with loved ones.
4. You don’t owe your body to anyone. Not sexually, not aesthetically. Your body is yours. Period.
5. What someone else says about your body says more about them than it does about you. Look past the actual snark to the person who’s saying it, because it’s only a reflection of what they think of themselves. That’s when you’ll see how little power their words have.
6. Your body is not a reflection of your character. It’s a physical home for the complex and wondrous and unique being that is you.
7. Take up as much space as you want. You don’t have to be small, or quiet, or docile, regardless of your physical size.
8. Everything you need to accept your body is already inside you. There’s no book, or diet, or workout routine or external affirmation that you need to feel good about your body right now.
9. Your body is a priority. It’s always trying to tell you things. Taking the time to listen to is of the utmost importance.
10. Wear whatever you want. Your body shape does not dictate your personal style, and fashion rules that say otherwise are wrong. Dress yourself in a way that makes you feel happy and confident and beautiful, because guess what? You are.
Ami Angelowicz and Winona Dimeo-Ediger (via randomsciencemusings)
This is wonderful. Everyone should print this out and read it, especially teenage girls
(via iamnotover)
vsw: 16mm films from the Visual Studies Workshop Film...
odditiesoflife: Incredible Miniature Pencil Sculptures Dalton...

Incredible Miniature Pencil Sculptures
Dalton Ghetti is a 52-year old carpenter from Bridgeport, Connecticut and, without the aid of a magnifying glass, has been carving incredible miniature sculptures for over 25 years. His idea is to bring people’s attention to small things. Most of the pencils Ghetti uses are found on the streets and sidewalks. He turns discarded objects into art.
The artist works by removing specks of graphite at a time and therefore it takes months or sometimes years to complete a sculpture. For Ghetti, sculpting pencils is a hobby and a form of meditation. His pencil carvings are not for sale as he doesn’t do it for money. He sculpts pencils mostly for himself and his art comes from his heart.
fleshandthedevil: “ Lovers ” “ Fantasy (1916) ” by...

cracked: The whole Internet gif’d that moment where Guy Behind...

The whole Internet gif’d that moment where Guy Behind Neil Patrick Harris shuffles away, but the true magic of Guy Behind Neil Patrick Harris is how long that guy is Guy Behind Neil Patrick Harris.
Take a second and luxuriate in Guy Behind Neil Patrick Harris’s progression:
- The turn.
- The look.
- The realization.
- The hesitation, even though he knows every millisecond counts and his world is crumbling.
- Finally a glacial too-late shuffle-slide, turning him into 2013’s Homer-into-the-hedges.
So thank you, Guy Behind Neil Patrick Harris. You shared your slow dance of Internet fail with all of us and we never wanted the music to stop, even though it had to because CBS sold the next thirty seconds to Hot Pockets.
animals-riding-animals: squirrel riding dog
fieldmuseumphotoarchives: How does one clean two large...

How does one clean two large elephants?? With a vacuum and feather duster of course!
© The Field Museum, GN78606.
Two unidentified men, members of the Maintenance staff cleaning African Elephants in Stanley Field Hall with a vacuum.8x10 negative
sandman-kk: Zufahrt Kieswerk Mächler, Waldperlach, München by...



thepagesage: theaccidentalradical: Robin Thicke is a big...

Robin Thicke is a big DICK
I don’t usually reblog things with language, but this has such valid and important points.
ronulicny: “Freezer”, 1980 By: WILLIAM EGGLESTON….
dendroica: Smooth Hawksbeard on Flickr.
heaveninawildflower: Elliott’s Gradus Pea. ‘Extra Early Large...

Elliott’s Gradus Pea. ‘Extra Early Large & Sweet. Half Pints by Mail for 25 cents.’ 1900.
installator: "When Leonardo first received his commission from...

"When Leonardo first received his commission from the Duke of Milan in 1482, he set about designing the world’s largest equestrian sculpture. He drew many versions of II Cavallo in his notebooks, using his unparalleled grasp of animal anatomy. He invented new techniques for casting in bronze on this huge scale." (