Controversial Facebook Photos of the Day: Air National Guard members Terran Echegoyen-McCabe and Christina Luna recently posted to Facebook several pics of themselves breastfeeding in fatigues — which they do all the time on Fairchild Airforce Base in Spokane, Washington – and their photos have prompted outcry from around the world.
No matter that there are no rules in military conduct against breastfeeding in uniform; one disparaging Facebook comment compared the images to “urinating and defecating.”
Fellow soldier Rita Trujillo commented:
“I as one of many women who fought long and hard to be accepted and respected as fellow soldiers and the right to wear these uniforms feel shocked, angry at these published photos.”The photos were taken for the Mom2Mom Breastfeeding Support Group,which raises awareness of women’s right to breastfeed in public.
America hates mothers in a way that is so insipid, you have WOMEN disparaging other WOMEN for doing what the breast was intended to do and being active engaged mothers.
And why?
Because “I as one of many women who fought long and hard to be accepted and respected as fellow soldiers and the right to wear these uniforms feel shocked, angry at these published photos.”
This is a statement made by a woman about how women feeding their children in their work fatigues damages her status and acceptance as a female soldier. Meaning motherhood is seen as something “weak” and breastfeeding is “dirty”.
Patriarchy is a hell of a drug.
Here is your inane controversy of the day.