I am currently getting rid of a whole LOT of stuff, and I am torn.. torn I tell you, wondering what I should do with boxes full of video tapes. I can donate them to the Salvos, but it seems such a shame as there are movies and TV shows you probably can’t even get on DVD…. but will I ever play them again? Probably not. Analogue video looks like shite on digital…
Should I try and sell them on eBay? Do people still want VHS? Do hipsters find it ironically cool? WHAT SHOULD I DO?
I wish I was artistically talented so I could make something groovy. Sigh.
Oh, I have this same dilemma. The commercial stuff is one thing, but I have a box of video “mix tapes” from my youth that I can’t part with yet. If I won the lottery, I would probably buy a really great VHS player and analog screen to put in the “old technology” room of my mansion (near the dual-cassette deck and record player).