Scanning modern living, part 2 (GIF!)
In the recent post, “Scanning modern living," we detailed our process for creating digital surrogates via scanning. The EPSON Expression 10000XL scanners that we use came with a variety of accessories to make the digitization of visual material easier. The top image shows a sleeve of photographic 35mm slides of color landscape photographs taken by photographer Alan Ward, with some of the slides moved to the slide-holder accessory for scanning. This accessory makes it possible to easily scan 15 slides at a time - essential when there are hundreds in the collection!
And to give you a glimpse at some of Alan Ward’s 35mm slides, we have created our first GIF! Inspired by the University of Iowa Special Collection Tumblr, we hope to experiment a bit more with this medium in future posts.
Alan Ward, Miller House landscape, 35mm photographic slide, Box 38, Folder 13, Miller House and Garden Collection, IMA Archives, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana. (MHG_II_B038_F013_090)
Welcome to the wonderful, exciting, strange world of GIF making!
This is something I am too familiar with.