Fat-Shaming Trolls Need to Get Over Gabourey Sidibes Weight:
Gabourey Sidibe attended the Golden Globes Awards Sunday night. And in what has become a time-honored (and vile) tradition anytime she appears anywhere and happens to be photographed, some viewers thought it would be a good idea to mock her weight. Again. There was, of course, the flat-out name-calling, which……”Sidibe’s success is sometimes jarring for some people to take in. There’s this reigning idea that fat somehow equals lazy or incompetent or self-loathing. Being fat is supposed to block blessings and keep folks from achieving their dreams. And Sidibe’s sizable body just doesn’t jibe with what winning is “supposed to” look like, especially to people who are losing—and that’s what you are doing if you are one of the people typing mean things about her on your laptop or cellphone while she is being photographed at an event you will never attend.”