A 7-year-old girl named Tiana Parker was recently sent home from Deborah Brown Community School, the charter school she attends in Tulsa, Oklahoma, because of her hair. Tiana has dreadlocks and dress code states that “hairstyles such as dreadlocks, afros, mohawks, and other faddish styles are unacceptable.”
Natural hair is not a fad.This is ridiculousness. Please sign my petition! This racist dress code is just another reminder of the long history of making black political. There is nothing unacceptable with natural hair. I wear my afro out 90% of the time. Guess what? My classmates still learn.
The sad part is that Langston U, its sponsor, is an HBCU. It’s terrible how black people internalize racist beliefs about our own bodies and end up making rules like this.
You know but white people with dreads aren’t an issue. It’s just a hair style for you but we are getting kicked out of schools and our children are being denied the ability to wear their hair naturally.
NO you still can’t wear them!Sign & reblog !
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