These bees live in this tree outside my old apartment. That orange stuff is from when the city tried to fill in the hive with foam several years ago. Luckily my landlord and some neighbors tore out the foam and the hive rebounded rather quickly.
Bees are really great and important (google it!). They dance in order to communicate - like Usher! And I have named every bee that lives in this hive in order to humanize them and prevent their annihilation, which seems to be a growing concern as the pesticides they fall victim to each year become more and more effective (srsly, google!).
It was once pointed out to me that the appearance of all flowers are their evolutionary responses to the aesthetic preferences of bees. Do you understand how amazing that is? Your girlfriend forgave you for forgetting your anniversary because that bouquet of color was the result of millions of years of brainless insects selecting their favorite color, shape, and fragrance. Whoa, man. Trippy.
Thanks, bees! I will try my best to not kill you.
Public Failure #17: You shouldn’t hug bees.
One of my favorite Chicago Poets (yes capital P!!!) started a gardening blog!!!!!!
They dance in order to communicate - like Usher!