This is what the school-to-prison pipeline looks like. This is how black youth are criminalized.
- She was doing a science experiment
- She’s being charged as an ADULT
- She’s being charged with a FELONY
If this all goes the way the prosecution wants, this young woman will be LEGALLY discriminated against for the rest of her life. No voting, housing discrimination, employment discrimination (as if getting a job while black isn’t hard enough), etc. etc.
Perhaps instead of fighting about who is tougher, Batman or Iron Man, we could spend a little internet rage making sure this young scientist doesn’t go to prison?
From the comments section:
“To everyone commenting on this thread that is outraged by this chain of events: I am just as outraged as you. But it is not enough for us simply to vent on message boards because nothing gets accomplished. I strongly urge you to write a letter to the school district, local authorities, AND to the Principal. Or just pick one…but DO SOMETHING!!! And let us remember that in order to get our points across we must be INDIGNANT and DIGNIFIED! I am in the process of starting a petition, once I have gathered some more crucial facts. Please be on the lookout for this petition and be sure to sign it ( via Change.org ) in addition to your letter or letters to Polk County Law Officials, The school Principal, and the School Administration. Contact Info Can be found below:
Bartow High School Principal Ronald Pritchard / Address: 1270 S Broadway Ave Bartow, FL 33830 / EMAIL: Ronald.Pritchard@polk-fl.net PHONE:(863)- 534-7400 Fax: (863)534-0077
Polk County Superintendent: Dr. John Stewart /Address: 1915 South Floral Avenue, Bartow, FL 33831 Phone: (863) 534-0521 Fax: (863) 519-8231 Email: Dr. John Stewart
Polk Regional Juvenile Detention Ctr
ADDRESS: 2155 Bob Phillips Road, Bartow, FL 33830
TEL: 863-534-7090
FAX: 863-534-7024
pio@polksheriff.orgIf we can all take 5-10 minutes to read this story, comment, and read posts by others then surely we can take the same amount of time to act on this child’s behalf.”
This is unacceptable. But common. I had a friend who was an immigrant that was expelled from highschool just before graduating because an empty bullet casing was found in his car. He had no idea how it got there, is an impeccable student, and was denied all appeals. Ridiculous.
to call or email - maybe both?