Hi Friends and fellow cat lovers,
What a harrowing weekend I’ve had! My dear, sweet, hellion of a cat Wolfman was diagnosed with (click the link for gross out photos) Oral Resorptive Lesions . Despite the fact that I’m a crazy cat lady and I brush my cats’ teeth on a regular basis, she had to have 2 of her bottom teeth extracted. Wolfman had the oral surgery yesterday, and although I hated having her at the vets’ office all day, she came back totally ready to party. Not a super big deal, until I was handed the bill: 2 vet visits that in total netted me over $600. Barf.
It is not an ideal time for me to wind up with that kind of extra-curricular spending (although I’d do it again in an instant, for much larger amounts, if either of my cats needed medical attention). In lieu of asking for donations, I am putting my print set “Cat People” up for sale online for a limited time. This is a set of four black & white 5″x7″ prints on matte photo paper.
Wolfman & I thank you for your time!
fuckyoulizprince: Hi Friends and fellow cat lovers, What a...