Horniman Museum Natural History Bioblitz
The Horniman Museum and Gardens is currently carrying out a review of its Natural History collection. Inspired by outdoor ‘Bioblitz’ events, the project aims to review specimens from the collection in a series of short, concentrated bursts, with the help of expert reviewers.
With over 250,000 taxidermy, osteological and fluid-preserved specimens, mostly in storage, the team have got their work cut out!
The hope is that by learning more about what they have in the collection, the museum can make better decisions about how to use it, what to celebrate and what to share with the world.
Visit the museum website to find out more about the project, check out its blog, or read a fantastic blog post from Project Coordinator (and my colleague), Russell Dornan, to hear about the ‘blitzes’ that have already taken place.
You can see many more wonderful photos from the Bioblitzes on Flickr, and keep up to date with the project by following @HornimanReviews on Twitter.
Photos by Russell Dornan
museumsandthings: Horniman Museum Natural History Bioblitz The...