Lady Pink: Why she kicks ass
- She is a graffiti artist, born in Ecuador and raised in NYC.
- She began her art in 1979 and was well known as the one of only females competing with the men in the male dominated graffiti subculture.
- While she was in highschool she began exhibiting her art in galleries and at 21 she had her first solo show, “Femmes-Fatales”.
- She was a leader in the rise in popularity of graffiti based art, thus her canvases are in many well known art collections such as at the MET in NYC and the Groningen Museum of Holland.
- She featured in the motion picture “Wild Style” (1982).
- She donates public art in culturally neglected communities.
- She still continues her art today and also shares her experience with teenagers by holding mural workshops and lecturing to college students. You can see more here.
Quote: “When I first started, women were still trying to prove themselves, through the 70’s that women could do everything guys could do. The feminist movement was growing very strong and as a teenager I think it affected me without me realising that I was a young feminist. The more guys said “you can’t do that”, the more I had to prove them wrong. I had to hold it up for all my sisters who looked up to me to be brave and courageous and to prove that I could do what guys could do. We defend our artworks with our fists and our crazy courage. When you have guys that disrespect you you’re gonna have to teach them a lesson, otherwise they are going to keep walking all over you. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is out there, it’s not easy. But it also reflects what the art world in general is: 80% white males. So you have to fight tooth and nail, bitch and scream, be loud and be large to get respect.”
I want that fucking shirt
Love her. And the shirt. And the artist whose quote it is: Jenny Holzer.
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